Ten Reasons to Love Naama Hofman

Quick Insight

By Rachel Miller

Israeli designer Naama Hofman specializes in minimalist LED lighting designs. Defining lamps beyond the merely function, Hofman established her eponymous studio, Naama Hofman Light Objects, in Tel Aviv in 2010. Since then, she's been exploring the shifting boundaries between art and design while collaborating with skilled artisans to produce bespoke, open, and limited editions. She boasts a growing fan base that can't get enough of her timeless, artifact-like light sculptures.

Hofman recently made the move to Berlin, and we couldn't be more thrilled to welcome her to our lovely city. Read on to see about why we're so enamored by her and her no-nonsense design approach.


1. What research is currently most informing your practice?

Lately, I've been working on a new collection of light objects using a material that I've never used before. So I am excited to discover a new world of techniques and materials.


2. Which of your projects are you obsessed with right now and why?

I am not an obsessive person in general. In every project that I work on, I take my time but try not to overthink, because that will wear out the idea pretty fast. I am constantly thinking about my studio, though, and trying to find different ways to look at the elements that I work with.


3. Can you give us five links to things that you think we should know about?

Qubik Design

Sarah Silverman (I am sure people know her already, but she's the best!)

Hilla Tony Navok

Matty Madison

Batsheva Dance Company


4. Which social movement do you currently support?

I am more of a political movement kind of woman :)


5. Will technology save the human race or destroy it?

Technology is a good thing, and I think—like everything in life—it depends on which hands it is in and how it's being regulated. That being said, I guess, in the end, it will probably destroy us.


6. What flavor of ice cream do you wish existed?

I always take chocolate. I never order anything else. It's the best flavor A L W A Y S.


7. What is your definition of good design?

For me, good design is design without visual “tricks.” A good design does not have unnecessary lines or shapes; it works very well, and it's interesting to look at.


8. Name five designers that represent this for you?

Dieter Rams

Hella Jongerius


Studio ilio

Raw Edges


9. Your perfect day off?

I am new to Berlin. I moved three months ago, so I am just discovering the lakes around the city and the parks. I could spend a whole day at a lake, and it would be perfect. With a cake, coffee, a book, and my sketchbook. But that's it.


10. If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring designer, what would it be?

Keep going! Know that your work and design practice will get better if you give it time and work hard!


  • Text by

    • Rachel Miller

      Rachel Miller

      Rachel is a California native whose passion for travel has led her on some pretty crazy adventures around the world. After living in Korea for three years, she decided on a whim to move to Germany. While she still has a wandering soul, Berlin has captured her heart, and she's decided to make this multicultural hub her permanent home. Most of her free time is spent playing beach volleyball, exploring the city's many arty scenes, and hunting down Berlin's best craft beer.